October 18, 2020

Trinity Presbyterian Church
Sunday Service of Worship


~God Calls Us to Worship Him~
Call to Worship


“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,”

and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as

they were destined to do.


But we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that

we may proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.


Come and let us proclaim the exellencies of our Great Redeemer.

Song All Hail the Glorious Christ (CCLI#251645)

Above the earth and heaven’s angels, over kings and all their plans, When every rival throne has

fallen, You will stand, You will stand. All hail the glorious Christ, oh, praise the Lord of Life.

For by Your sacrifice, You won the victory.

Now over all You reign, You overwhelmed the grave. And rose again on high, all hail the glorious


Above our hearts and our temptations, Your great love has overcome. Defeating death and

condemnation, You have won, You have won.

And on that day upon Your mountain,

You will gather Your redeemed. And we will feast and give all glory

To the King, to the King.

And hail the Glorious Christ, oh praise the Lord of Life,

For by Your sacrifice, You won the victory.

Now over all You reign, You overwhelmed the grave And rose again on high, all hail the Glorious


Prayer of Worship

~God Renews Us in Christ~

We Corporately Confess Our Sin and Need

Lord God, eternal and almighty Father: We acknowledge before your

holy majesty that we are poor sinners, conceived and born in guilt and in corruption, prone to do

evil, unable of our own power to do good. Because of our sin, we endlessly violate your holy


But, O Lord, with heartfelt sorrow we repent and turn away from all our offenses. We condemn

ourselves and our evil ways, with true sorrow asking that your grace will relieve our distress.

Have compassion on us, most gracious God, Father of mercies, for the sake of your son Jesus Christ

our Lord. And in removing our guilt, also grant us daily increase of the grace of your Holy Spirit

and produce in us the fruits of holiness and of righteousness pleasing in your sight: Through Jesus

Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Silently Confess Our Sins

Hymn Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended (248)

God’s Grace in Christ Romans 6:1-11

Song Alive (CCLI#251645)

My heart of stone was dead to You,

Asleep within a world that scorned its maker;

Until You breathed into my soul And I woke up to You,

my glorious Savior You became my all, You became my all.

Now I am alive, I am alive in You. You are alive, You are alive in me.

You called my name and raised me from the dead.

Now I am alive, I am alive in You.

In You, my life’s completely new.

I’m blameless in Your eyes because of Calv’ry.

The Father welcomes me with joy.

Your Spirit makes me know Your great love for me, Jesus, You’re my all, Jesus, You’re my all.

Now I am alive, I am alive in You. You are alive, You are alive in me.

You called my name and raised me from the dead. Now I am alive, I am alive in You.

Bought with a price that cannot be measured, Chosen before all time, You are my joy, my prize, and

my treasure Jesus, You are my life.

Now I am alive, I am alive in You.

You are alive, You are alive in me.

You called my name and raised me from the dead. Now I am alive, I am alive in You.

~God Instructs Us with His Word~

We Listen to God Galatians 5:6-12

Sermon The Only Way to Run and Finish the Christian Race

~God Meets and Feeds Us at His Table~

Hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee (528)

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

~God Receives Our Offerings and Requests~

We Worship God with Our Tithes and Offerings We Bring Our Requests to God in Prayer


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures

here below; praise him above ye heav'nly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

~God Blesses and Sends Us Out~




“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

— John 14 : 6